Steam Session

Steam session – 25 min*

*does not include the time spent on preparing the cocoon for the treatment and cleaning after the treatment.

Benefits: relaxation for the body and mind, improvement of skin tone and balancing of metabolism, energizing the body and mind, opening respiratory tract and easing breathing

Preparation for the treatment:

Warm up the cocoon by turning on steam and IR sauna function 10 min prior the start of the treatment.
Prepare the aroma dispenser by adding required amount of drops of essential oil.
Turn on the music and LED lights that promote relaxation.

Colors of chromotherapy

Stimulating: Red, Orange, Yellow, White.

Relaxing: Green, Blue, Violet, White.


Stimulating: medium fast.

Relaxing: slow wave.

Products needed:

Essential aroma oil.

Before the treatment:

check client’s needs and wishes;
explain the course of the treatment;
inform the client about the contraindications to the treatment (see separate page).

The sequence of the treatment:

Ask your customer to lie down onto the vibrating treatment table. Close the hood and turn on:
– steam + infared sauna (the choice of temperature is individual);

– vibration;

– chromotherapy;

– face fan.

Duration – 18-20 minutes.

After the steam session, turn on Vichy shower function – 2-3 minutes;
By the end of the treatment offer your client an opportunity to relax.

It is recommended to perform 2-3 treatments per week, course of 8 – 15 treatments.

We recommend to combine treatments in NeoQi® with professional marine cosmetics ESTí.

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