For Face


Products for face care in the morning and evening not only remove all traces of make-up and impurities, but will also give your face a feeling of lightness and freshness.


A necessary step in face skin care for a deeper cleansing. Effective cleaning with gentle massage will refresh and moisturize your skin. You can choose between creamy peeling, enriched with nutshell powder and ground rice for its gentle re-mineralizing and exfoliating action, or more subtle peeling with enzymes.


Face masks are the best way to quickly thoroughly moisturize and restore the skin structure, nourish and calm, protect the skin form external aggressions. Light gel, nourishing creamy, modeling peel-off masks to solve any problem.

Face care

Finishing products for face care – creams and serums to restore the skin’s barrier function, maintain the water level and youth of the skin, as well as protect it from external aggressions.


Read also about products for body.

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