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Mediq Oxy

The Mediq Oxy spa capsule is a powerful hydro- and physiotherapeutic complex that offers a full spectrum of wholesome spa treatments. The unique feature of this energy cocoon is the oxygen concentrator that it is equipped with, which imbues the skin with oxygen during the spa rituals. Enriching the body with oxygen has a rejuvenating effect, normalizes blood pressure, restores sleep rhythm and improve general well-being.

The spa capsule functions allow carrying out effective weight loss, body shape correction and cellulite reduction programs. Guaranteed results are achieved by carrying out treatments that are aimed at skin tone and elasticity enhancing, deep relaxation, quick recovery after physical trauma and different disease prevention. The energy cocoon creates a unique environment that helps battle chronic exhaustion and stress, putting the patient in the state of complete harmony and absolute happiness. Even a short session in the Mediq Oxy spa capsule allows fully resting and replenishing vital forces.

The Mediq Oxy spa capsule was specifically designed for spa salons, medical, sports and rehabilitation centers.


Harmony Pro on uue ajastu tervisekapsel pakkudes laialdaselt hoolitsusi, mis on vajalikud organismi tervenemiseks või esteetiliste probleemide lahendamiseks. Tänu Harmony Pro energiakookonile on teil võimalus läbi viia täielikud individuaalselt sobitatud programmid kõigest ühe ruumi raames.

SPA-kapsel avaldab positiivset mõju organismile tervikuna. Stiilne ja kaasaegne Harmony Pro sisaldab endas kõiki teadmisi vee, valguse ja soojuse ravivõimetest. Kasutajatel on juurdepääs hüdrofuusia ja hüdroteraapia protseduuridele, samuti on neil võimalik mõjutada inimese psühhoemotsionaalset seisundit värvi, muusika ja aroomide näol.

Harmony Pro ühendab endas uusimaid saavutusi meditsiini ja kosmetoloogia valdkonnast. See füsioteraapia kompleks oli spetsiaalselt loodud pidades silmas spaakeskuste, tervise- ja spordiasutuste nõudmisi.


Harmony Pro is a SPA-capsule of a new generation, providing a wide range of treatments necessary for the invigoration of the body and solving number of aesthetic problems. Thanks to Harmony Pro, individually tailored complete programs may be carried out within just one cabinet.

SPA capsule has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The stylish and modern case of Harmony Pro contains all the knowledge about the healing properties of water, light and heat. Users have and access to treatments of hydro fusion and –therapy, as well as the opportunity to affect the emotional state of a person by means of color, light, music and a variety of flavors.

Harmony Pro combines the latest achievements in medicine and cosmetology. This physiotherapy complex has been specifically designed for the needs of the spa, fitness and rehabilitation centers.


The SPA-capsule Atlantic was designed with all of the benefits of the Mediq model in mind, and is aimed at combining both recreational and aesthetic functions. The Atlantic energy cocoon possesses a wide and elongated ergonomic bed that ensures the customer’s comfort within the capsule, providing experts free access to any side of the unit.

Atlantic is equipped with all of the necessary functions of thermo- and hydrotherapy: steam and infrared sauna, as well as Vichy shower, which provide an opportunity to carry out a complex of the most popular and effective treatments in SPA salons. Chromo- and aromatherapy further enhance the enjoyable experience within the cocoon.

This updated system was specifically designed to achieve the best and most visible results of all the SPA rituals. After all, a perfect figure is, above all, a body that is properly taken care of.


The SPA-capsule Atlantic was designed with all of the benefits of the Mediq model in mind, and is aimed at combining both recreational and aesthetic functions. The Atlantic energy cocoon possesses a wide and elongated ergonomic bed that ensures the customer’s comfort within the capsule, providing experts free access to any side of the unit.

Atlantic is equipped with all of the necessary functions of thermo- and hydrotherapy: steam and infrared sauna, as well as Vichy shower, which provide an opportunity to carry out a complex of the most popular and effective treatments in SPA salons. Chromo- and aromatherapy further enhance the enjoyable experience within the cocoon.

This updated system was specifically designed to achieve the best and most visible results of all the SPA rituals. After all, a perfect figure is, above all, a body that is properly taken care of.



Tervisekapsel Harmony Flamingo sai oma nime tänu tema ainulaadsele võimalusele avada poolläbipaistev kuppel kahelt poolt, mis tagab eriti mugava juurdepääsu kliendini. Olles täielikult avatud asendis meenutab NeoQi® Flamingo samanimelist graatsilist ja elegantset lindu flamingo.

Individuaalne lähenemine kliendi probleemile õigesti valitud programmi näol on peamine võti suurepärase tulemuseni ja täieliku rahuloluni saadud hoolitsusest. Klassikaliste spaarituaalide ja Flamingo tervisekapsli funktsioonide kombinatsioon võimaldab pakkuda kliendile enim nõutud ja tulemuslikke programme kaalualandamise, tselluliidi vähendamise, keha vormimise, lõõgastumise ja tervenemise raames.

SPA-kapsel Flamingo paistab silma rida tehniliste uuendustega funktsioonides nagu värviteraapia, infrapunasauna ja Vichy duši. Just see võimaldab laiendada pakutavate kehahoolitsuste valikut ning samuti võimendada nende hoolduste tulemusi. Kogu oma funktsionaalsuse juures on Flamingo tervisekapsel väga lihtne kasutuses.


The name of the Flamingo energy cocoon derives from its unique hood construction, which allows to open its elegant clear doors separately, ensuring the maximum comfort during the treatment, both for the client and the therapist. With its wings opened, the SPA-capsule resembles the beautiful and graceful flamingo bird.

Individually chosen programs are key to vivid results and complete satisfaction of the treatment. The combination of classic SPA rituals with the functions of the cocoon enables us to offer our customers the most popular and effective treatment programs for weight loss, cellulite reduction, body contours shaping, relaxation and rejuvenation.

The Flamingo SPA capsule has a number of technical updates in chromotherapy, infrared sauna and Vichy shower systems, through which you can extend the range of SPA treatments, as well as to maximize their effectiveness. Despite its versatility, the SPA-capsule Flamingo is very easy to use.


SPA-kapsel Harmony Dream – see on viimse detailini läbimõeldud toode, mis on vajalik klassikaliste spaarituaalide läbiviimiseks. Dream on varustatud enim nõutud ja tõhusaimate funktsioonidega figuuri korrigeerimiseks, vereringe parandamiseks, organismi noorenemiseks ja stressi vähendamiseks.

Harmony Dream pakub ainulaadset võimalust eemalduda igapäeva saginast ning välistest ärritusteguritest, lõõgastuda ja unustada hetkeks kõik probleemid. Pärast seanssi tunneb Teie klient energia juurdevoolu ning on paremas tujus.

Tervisekapsel Harmony Dream oli spetsiaalselt väljatöötatud kasutamiseks piiratud ruumiga ilusalongides, kus rõhk on soojaprotseduuridel ning erinevatel kehahooldustel.



The SPA-capsule Dream is a carefully designed device, necessary for carrying out classical SPA rituals. Dream features the most popular and effective functions for body shape correction, improving blood circulation, cellulite reduction, stress relief and rejuvenation. Combined with advanced rehabilitation technologies, the above-mentioned options are supplemented with a healing effect, has beneficial impact on overall health.

The Dream energy cocoon provides a unique opportunity to get away from daily bustle, relax and forget about all the problems. After the treatment, the customer experience a burst of energy, better mood and sleep recovery.

Dream cocoon was specifically developed for body care treatments in beauty salons and day spas with limited room.



Saltarium is a compact salt chamber designed for people who appreciate privacy and comfort. Its ergonomic shape makes it comfortable to stay inside in a sitting position, to fully enjoy the healing properties of halotherapy. In the Saltarium capsule, a special environment is created, free of allergens and conducive to deep relaxation. Sessions in the salt capsule help to quickly recover after a busy day, boosting the immune system and cleansing the skin, bronchi and lungs.

During a halotherapy session, a person breathes air that is saturated with salt aerosol. Halotherapy effectively treats airway disorders, such as bronchial asthma, rhinitis and skin diseases, has a beneficial effect on the overall psychological state.  Sessions in the Saltarium salt capsule help to restore the respiratory system of those who have given up smoking, strengthen the immune system of all family members and help to relax, get rid of irritability and improve sleep. A Built-in MP3 player allows listening to your favorite music during the treatment. Musical compositions are able to heal, activate brain function, have analgesic and relaxing effects.